Departure Points

Why book with us

Create lifelong memories and make new friends with our expert-planned group travel experiences

Guaranteed Departures

Our trips are guaranteed to operate, so you never have to worry about your trip being cancelled at the last minute.

Early Bird Savings

We offer the most competitive prices out there. But as time progresses, prices go up – book early to get a great deal!

Put just 50% down

That’s all it takes to secure a spot on one of our trips. The remaining balance is always due up to 14 days before departure, giving you peace of mind and plenty of time to plan.

Hassle-free Planning and Coordination

We have over 10 years of experience building trips with military schedules in mind and local partners on the ground to help us ensure they’re immersive and authentic. With the help of our guides and years of feedback and data, we have fine-tuned and perfected every one of the adventures you can book today.

We’re On-the-ground Experts

From the hotels we book to the restaurants we choose to the places we show you around, you can bet that we have recently slept, eaten, or wandered around there and given our stamp of approval.

Free time for On-your-own Exploring

We ensure every itinerary strikes the perfect balance between guided tours, group dinners, and ample free time, allowing you to pursue your interests at your preferred pace.


I enjoyed the trip to Italy with the group. The tours were really detailed and well put together. Also, the pricing and accommodations were great, affordable. I can't wait for my next trip. Awaiting for family to visit and take part with me. Great job Explore Europe Staff and service.
I adore traveling with Explore Europe. Their seamless arrangements handle transportation, accommodation, and activities effortlessly. Their 4-star hotels consistently impress, making each trip unforgettable. After six fantastic journeys, I'm eagerly anticipating my next booking with them.
Wonderful stress-free trip that exceeded expectations! The excursion and included tours were beyond amazing!
Best travel company in Europe! All their trips are well planned and hassle free! The trip leaders are excellent (especially Sharon!)
We had the best time with Explore Europe this past Christmas in Scandinavia! We especially appreciated our trip leader, Kelly. She was approachable, knowledgeable and remained calm under pressure.
“Best of Portugal: Porto and Lisbon”

The four-day trip to Portugal was great for a few reasons. We flew into Porto out of Luxemburg via “Easy Jet Airlines” and quickly we dove into a walking tour of Porto where we learned the history of the town to include; an interesting fact that Port Wine originated in the Douro Valley back in the 17th Century. To add a little flavor to this history, Port Wine is paired with Bacalhau (cod fish), Portugal’s national dish. On the second day, we were bussed down to Lisbon where we received a very extensive history of the town. We began the tour at the top of the city, and slowly made our way down to the city center. Along the way, we viewed many of the Portuguese homes with vibrant color tiles. Here we learned, Lisbon is one of the oldest cities in the world. It was originally settled by the Celtics and until the present day, some of the Celtic traditions are shown in the Portuguese culture. On the third day, back in Porto, we enjoyed a scenic cruise on the Douro River, afterward we enjoyed Porto on our own. Portugal was marvelous, but what made the trip hassle-free was the OUTSTANDING Trip Leader Sharon. She continues to go above and beyond. She is knowledgeable of the ins and outs of travel. So, if you have never traveled with Explore Europe, make sure to book a trip with Sharon as your leader.